Monday, April 28, 2008

Almost Sober

things that life dont teach u. things u'll never remember. things that've been lost with time. things that've been lost IN time. things that breathe. things that live. things that'll never see tomorrow. things that'll reach apocalypse. things tied in a jar of freedom. things immured in the head of religion. things liberated from the world. things that'll hit ur head hard. things that'll carress ur soul. things u'll never begin to understand. things that'll cling to your memory. things that'll cast a shadow. things that see the light of day. things that u'll wait for, all ur life. things that'll befall ur path. things that'll leave u jaded. things that'll ripen ur fruit. things found in debris. things that've been abandoned. things u'll never want to know. things that u're cursed to know. things with which u grow. things that're hidden from ur sight. things exposed to broad daylight.

there're plenty of things in this vast wild mad beautiful filthy wasted world.


Meghna said...

So very true..and really well written Abhinav!

abhinav said...

thanx maghna :)

AB said...

Very well written...!!
Well, is it a coincidence that you are Abhinav as well and a cancerian and we both have same templates for our blog?

abhinav said...

wow! i am thrilled. is your favourite color orange?

Anonymous said...

nice one dude ... d reply i meant...